Exports From England

Historical Background

Study on trade between France and England

Survey statistics from the office of the prefecture – Exports compared during the year 1832-1834

From the Prefecture’s archives, we could compile statistics on trade between France and England from 1844 to 1865 (see Associated document below).

In 1842, England greatly reduces taxes on raw, manufactured and semi – manufactured materials and removes export duties on finished products .

Three years later  they act the same on all export duties and most import taxes .

In 1853, Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer of Palmerston, accentuates the customs barriers .

In 1860, year of the Treaty of Cobden -Chevalier, products that were still taxed were essentially luxury goods .

In the context of free trade and to encourage French industrial production, Napoleon III wanted to remove at the same time customs duties on wool, cotton and prohibitions, to reduce taxes on sugar and coffee, the rights to channels . He also wanted to improve channels of communication, give grants to agriculture and industry and signe trade treaties with foreign powers.

  • Origin

Fund of the Prefect’s office

  • Date details


  • Size

38 x 30cm

  • Institution

Archives départementales de Seine – Maritime

  • Original reference

6 M 1064

  • Per

Early modern Period

  • Thematic

Maritime and Trade links


Rouen – Archives Départementales

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